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xamarin(자마린) vs react native(리액트) vs ionic(아이오닉)

로 앱개발을 진행하려던중.. 어떤 것을 선택해야 할지 고민중 알아보고 정리..

(I'm trying to proceed with the development .. Find out what to choose and organize ..)





Xamarin vs Ionic vs React Native: differences under the hood

Cross-platform Frameworks: Pitfalls, Performance, Development convenience, Integration into OS & existing code



As we can see, Xamarin is the fastest and fullest framework of these three. It stays close to classical approach to the mobile applications development. That means that a lot of things are familiar, platform’s features can be used without restrictions, and the development process is similar to that with Xcode and Android Studio. Xamarin is my personal choice. However, if you’d like to try some new approach to development with fancy features like hot reloading and instant updates, you should try React Native. Designed with some interesting ideas in mind, it is a really interesting framework that makes you think in a different way. But there is a drawback: React Native has worse performance and doesn’t offer native look-and-feel to your application. A compromise between performance and modern development process could be Ionic. With Ionic, your application will look almost like native, but creating the UI in HTML and CSS may be painful.

XamarinReact NativeIonic

Performance Good 64-bit issues
Native look Yes No Yes
Modern development features Classic only Hot reloading
Instant updates
Live reloading
Instant updates
OS features Full support Plugins with different interface, something is missing Plugins with different interface, something is missing






Xamarin vs React Native: 2018 Comparison Guide For Developers | Codementor

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React Native vs Xamarin vs Ionic

Many businesses seek to develop an app which works both on iOS and Android. This is one of the reasons they choose cross-platform solutions. Multiplatform development can help build the app with a smaller team and release it faster. However, there are many



React Native, Ionic and Xamarin have gained credibility among enterprises aiming to reduce the time and costs of software development. All three frameworks can be successful, depending on your business needs and priorities.

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(Everyone's choice ..)
